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Application of these functions is illustrated on data set Wine from the UCI machine learning repository. This data set consists of 178 samples (each sample is 13-D). The number of classes is 3.
Figure 1: 2-D features corresponding to the samples of the Wine data. Colors indicate class memberships.
Image wine

Fig. 1 shows the resulting 2-D feature plot taking all the 178 samples. For plotting the Wine feature space, the function plot_wine.m is posted. Note that the function is specifically tailored to the Wine data. Also note that it is assumed that a file wine.mat resides in the same directory as plot_wine.m. This file should contain a variable Data in the form of 178 x 14 matrix. The last column of this matrix contains class label indicators (integers), e.g. {0, 1, 2}. Type help plot_wine or take a look at the source code for further information on this function.

For example, running [T et] = plot_wine(2,1); from MATLABTMcommand prompt returns the following:

The input arguments represent:

Table 1: The performances (%) estimated through leave-one-out CV using linear and quadratic classifiers for dataset Wine
Dataset m 1 3 5 13 (full)
  AIDA(L) 91.57 \fbox{{$99.44$}} 98.88 98.88
  ACC(L) 89.89 98.88 98.31 98.88
  MLT(L) 82.58 97.75 - 98.88
  Tubbs(L) 67.41 74.72 91.57 98.88
  LDA(L) 91.01 98.88 - 98.88
Wine LPP(L) 92.13 98.31 98.31 98.88
  AIDA(Q) 92.13 99.44 \fbox{$100$} 99.44
  ACC(Q) 91.01 99.44 99.44 99.44
  MLT(Q) 85.95 99.44 - 99.44
  Tubbs(Q) 70.22 76.4 97.19 99.44
  LDA(Q) 91.57 99.44 - 99.44
  LPP(Q) 92.13 98.31 99.44 99.44

The performance of AIDA criterion was tested experimentally with the Wine dataset and compared to the performances of LDA, ACC [3], Tubbs [4], MLT [5] and LPP [6]. The performance was evaluated using linear and quadratic Bayesian classifiers, with prior probabilities estimated empirically from the data and the Gaussian approximation of the class-conditional probability density functions. A leave-one-out cross validation (CV) was used for performance evaluation. The admissible subspace dimensions are 1$ \le$m$ \le$c - 1 for LDA, 1$ \le$m$ \le$$ {\frac{{1}}{{2}}}$c(c - 1) for MLT [5], and 1$ \le$m$ \le$n - 1 for the AIDA, Tubbs, LPP and ACC methods. Table 1 shows results, represented by the estimated correct classification rates, for various dimensions of the feature space. The boxed values represent the best results for each classifier.

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zoran nenadic 2008-02-11